Erie Economic Development
News and Updates

June 7, 2023
Downtown Erie Business Association and Erie Economic Development Council Unite to Supercharge Economic Growth in Erie, Colorado
ERIE, CO: The Downtown Erie Business Association (DEBA) and the
Erie Economic Development Council (EEDC) are thrilled to announce their upcoming merger, a strategic move designed to unify their efforts in supporting the vibrant businesses within Erie, Colorado.
This landmark decision to join forces is propelled by a shared vision
to enhance the economic vitality of Erie's business landscape and will provide the opportunity for a more concentrated focus on specific economic sectors within our community.
The DEBA and EEDC have individually contributed significantly to the growth and success of local businesses.
By consolidating resources, expertise, and networks, the unified organization will serve as a more powerful engine for economic development, fostering a thriving business community, and supporting the future of Erie's economic prosperity.
"Erie's strength lies in our businesses and the people behind them," said DEBA President Karen Hofmeister.
"By merging DEBA and EEDC, we aim to enhance that strength, providing more streamlined services, increased support, and ultimately, fostering a more robust economy for Erie."
Barry Luginbill, the Chair of the Erie Economic Development Council, expressed his sentiment, stating, "By joining forces with DEBA, we gain the ability to dedicate our resources and expertise towards targeted economic growth initiatives. Together, our unwavering commitment will guarantee that Erie remains a vibrant and prosperous hub for business."
As we embark on this exciting new chapter, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the business owners, community members, and stakeholders who have supported us through the years. We are excited to continue to work hand-in-hand with the Erie community in this newly unified capacity to further the town's economic growth and prosperity.
Through this merger, we will preserve the esteemed Downtown Erie brand, utilizing it as both an identifier and a powerful marketing tool for the thriving downtown business district. With its established recognition within the community and substantial social media following, the Downtown Erie brand serves as a crucial differentiating factor that sets this area apart from other commercial zones in town.
The Downtown Erie Business Association is a non-profit organization that fosters a vibrant business community
in downtown Erie, Colorado. DEBA offers resources and support to local businesses, promotes community events, and advocates for the interests of its members.
The Erie Economic Development Council is dedicated to promoting the economic well-being of Erie, Colorado. EEDC works closely with local businesses, developers, and town officials to facilitate economic growth and sustainable development in the region.
For more information about the merger, visit our websites at www.downtownerie.biz and www.erieedc.org.
Job Opportunity: Seeking EEDC Admin
This position will be a part-time, contracted role for the Erie Economic Development Council. Candidates should be hard-working, responsible, and ready to think creatively about how to help Erie businesses even through difficult seasons.
This role is estimated to be 10-20 hours per week varying on event schedules and meetings. If interested, please email your resume and cover letter to barryluginbill@gmail.com by December 28, 2020.
Implement approved strategic business strategy including mission, vision, values, and organizational goals.
Implementation and coordinate a comprehensive development program and appropriate marketing strategies. Coordinate the design, printing, and distribution of marketing and communication materials for development efforts.
Build relationships with community stakeholders to advance the mission and goals of the organization. Collaborate with the Chair to monitor funds and budgets to increase revenue and support the strategic direction of the client.
Monitor trends in the community or region and advise the board to adapt strategies, as necessary. Oversee the planning and execution of events for the client including investor meetings, executive meetings, and large events like the Broker Open & Annual Dinner.
Oversee the administration of the customer relationship software and mass email mailing system which respects the privacy and confidentiality of investor information.
Prepare reports on progress, budgets, receipts, and expenditure related to the organization.
Act as the public relations support to the board of the organization.
Oversee all communication outlets and messaging with the contracted marketing firm.
Attend meetings as deemed necessary.
NEWS RELEASE: Supporting Erie businesses stronger than ever before.
December 11, 2020- For immediate release.
The Erie Economic Development Council is proud to announce that to help support businesses and recreate a prosperous business environment, the organization is removing its membership fees for 2021!
During the EEDC Annual Board of Director brainstorming session, the board focused their conversation on how they can best support and help Erie businesses as they continue to navigate the difficulties of COVID-19.
“The Erie businesses have suffered this year and they continue to do so. Legislation and regulations have changed the environment and our board wants to do all they can to help Erie businesses not only survive but thrive through this pandemic,” said Chair Barry Luginbill. “It’s our goal to not only help businesses through this but also out of it and removing our membership fee means every Erie business can have access to the tools and resources they need to find success again.”
The EEDC will launch into 2021 with its first event called “How to Stop Just Surviving and Move on to Thriving” that will occur on January 15th at 9 am. It will feature multiple business owners around the area who have brought in creative solutions for their businesses to adapt and adjust to continuing COVID-19 changes. There will be no cost to this event and businesses will be able to register at www.erieedc.com beginning December 15th.
Removing membership funding did present a challenge to directors as the funds of the EEDC will be lower during the year but the board felt this was a necessary step to help the Erie business community. With the continuous annual funding from the Town of Erie and by utilizing part of the organization’s reserves, the directors have created ideas that will help the business community get back to thriving. The organization will use what funds it has with strong financial stewardship to educate, promote, and provide resources to the Erie businesses.
Membership will open December 15th at www.erieedc.com and businesses will need to complete a quick form to become members. Current members & investors will automatically be added as members in 2021. Businesses must be located within town limits and have a business license within the Town of Erie. The board invites all businesses to subscribe to its email newsletter at www.erieedc.com/contact and follow the organization on social media to stay updated on all events and announcements.
With any questions, please email info@erieedc.com.
Elementum 3D Earns First-Ever Gold Medal Awarded
Contact: Patrick Callard
720-545-9016 ext. 37
Elementum 3D Earns First-Ever Gold Medal Awarded
by U.S. Air Force Advanced Manufacturing Olympics
Erie, Colorado – Elementum 3D, a developer and supplier of groundbreaking metal additive manufacturing (AM) materials, earned first place at the inaugural U.S. Air Force Advanced Manufacturing Olympics (AMO). The company won the event’s “Material Hurdles” technical challenge with its A7050-RAM2 high-strength aluminum alloy, beating eight other finalists.
Sixty-four teams participated in the AMO competition, hosted by the USAF Rapid Sustainment Office (RSO). Each team completed five technical challenges judged by 25 experts from academia, the U.S. military, and aerospace and defense companies, the FAA, Ford, and Amazon. Each team was required to accurately recreate 3D printed parts from an existing Technical Data Package using innovative materials and techniques while demonstrating accuracy, skill, completeness, ease of use, and speed of production.
The RSO “Material Hurdles” challenge saw teams compete to accurately recreate 3D printed parts in their own specialized material. Dr. Jacob Nuechterlein, president and founder of Elementum 3D, explained, “We entered our A7050-RAM2 aluminum alloy to deliver on the AMO event’s initiative to obtain a material capable of being 3D printed into components for use in demanding Air Force conditions.”
The USAF is implementing additively manufactured aluminum alloys because they can be produced quickly and on-demand while reducing component weights and raw material requirements. Employing advanced manufacturing can also reduce the sustainment costs of the RSO, which currently make up 70 percent of the USAF budget. Elementum 3D’s printable A7050-RAM2 feedstock supports these goals by allowing the USAF to 3D print components out of an aluminum material that is lightweight, high-strength, and offers both excellent fatigue life and stress corrosion cracking resistance.
“We are honored to have our commercially available high-strength A7050-RAM2 aluminum alloy selected as the AM material to best meet the USAF’s challenge goal of demonstrating advances in AM aluminum material properties to address sustainment of traditionally manufactured 7075 and 7050 aluminum parts,” said Nuechterlein.
The U.S. Air Force has a long history of fostering innovative solutions and these AM Olympics technical challenges were the latest means in generating transformative opportunities within advanced manufacturing. It sets in motion the USAF’s willingness to embrace leading-edge solutions making for a more sustainable Air Force.
About Elementum 3D
Elementum 3D was founded by Dr. Jacob Nuechterlein in 2014. Elementum 3D’s mission is to significantly expand the selection of metals additive manufacturing materials by introducing advanced metal alloys, superalloys, and composites, optimized printing processes, performance data, and expert guidance that saves time and money and reduces AM frustration. Find more on Elementum 3D at elementum3d.com, and on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
For more Elementum 3D news, visit https://www.elementum3d.com/news.
To access this news release on Google Docs, visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/189JvsE5REM13jfW01c0LhXbghC3n2J5JIxCOwxZN5_c/edit?usp=sharing
The Erie Economic Development Council is incredibly proud of the work we completed in 2019. Within this year we increased investors, increased board members, and overall offered great networking and educational opportunities to current Erie businesses while at the same time attracting new businesses to the area.
Director Elections
If you are interested in serving as an EEDC Executive Board Director, please send an email to info@erieed.com by November 22nd. Thank you.
NEWS RELEASE: A leader in economic development
In 2017, the Town of Erie hired Ben Pratt to be the Town’s first Economic Development Director. Since that time, Mr. Pratt has made large strides towards strategic, efficient, and smart economic development planning that has greatly benefited the town and businesses within the community.
Ben came to Erie with years of experience in the field and previously worked as the Vice President of the Erie Regional Chamber & Growth Partnership in Erie, Pennsylvania and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Business. He is also accredited from the International Economic Development Council. When he arrived in Erie, he jumped in his position and put a strong emphasis on relationship building with citizens, businesses and developers in the area. His work has helped bring new businesses into Erie as well as assisted current businesses understand their opportunity for expansion.
Deputy Town Administrator, Farrell Buller states, “One item that is unique about Ben is his style. Ben works with business owners in a face to face manner, continually building relationships! He completes tasks to assist them in learning about funding options, walks sites with them, and celebrates their successes.”
Additionally, Ben has led the efforts of creating the Leads Team and the implementation of Zoom Prospector. The Leads Team is a monthly meeting of all groups focused on moving business forward in Erie and it includes leaders from the Erie Economic Development Council, the Erie Chamber of Commerce, Upstate Colorado, the Small Business Development Center and the Town of Erie. The creation of this group ensures that all efforts are strategic and not duplicated. He also brought Zoom Prospector to the Town which is an efficient system that allows businesses to identify possible locations in Erie and what their costs are.
“Ben has been a great help to the revitalization of Old Town. Besides helping us with our project at 105 Wells St., he has been deeply involved in working on the Piripi Restaurant that is being built at 615 Briggs and the Bird House restaurant, coming to the Gateway Building at 516 Briggs,” said Erie developer, Rich Hiegel.
The Town has also recently hired Lucas Workman as the new Economic Development Specialist to work with Ben on the future of the economic development department. Ben and Lucas’ vision over the next few years is to responsibly develop a stable, diverse local economy consistent with the Town’s characteristics that also offers job opportunities, services and amenities to residents.
“We feel fortunate to have the experience we have in Ben & Lucas here in Erie,” said Scott Wingfield, Chair of the Erie Economic Development Council. “The two of them have been engaged, attentive and supportive of the business in the community and we look forward to continuing to work with them for years to come.”
If you have a business or are interested in starting a business in Erie, the EEDC encourages you to set up a meeting with Ben & Lucas by emailing them at economicdevelopment@erieco.gov or giving them a call at (303) 926-2767!
NEWS RELEASE: A healthy investment in Erie.
If you’ve driven down Erie Parkway you’ve without a doubt noticed strong development over the past few years.
If you’ve driven down Erie Parkway you’ve without a doubt noticed strong development over the past few years. This unique area has successful businesses like Walgreens, Burger King, Citywide Banks, and many restaurants. The community library, community center and multiple neighborhoods are within walking distance. The newest development beginning to take shape is the Boulder Community Health (BCH) facility located on the corner of Briggs Street and Erie Parkway.
BCH has served the citizens of Erie and the adjacent communities of Firestone, Frederick and Dacono for many years. However, the Erie area continues to experience significant population growth, particularly with young families. BCH recognized the evolving health care needs of those communities and is currently mid-construction on the project with the intention to open by the first quarter of 2019.
Since its inception in 1922, Boulder Community Health has been treating the residents of Erie as well as those throughout Boulder County,” stated Darryl Brown, Associate Vice President. “With the new BCH Vision Statement of partnering to create and care for the healthiest community in the Nation, it is exciting for us to have a facility within Erie itself so that we can continue to increase the availability and quality of care for Erie residents.”
The new medical office building will include an urgent care clinic open seven days a week, 365 days per year from 7 am until 9 pm. Services they will offer include family practice, obstetric/gynecologic care and midwifery, cardiology, diagnostic imaging services, and full laboratory services. When the building is fully occupied, there will be 100 employment opportunities.
The EEDC is excited to welcome Boulder Community Health Urgent Care to our community! To learn more about this project please visit https://www.bch.org/About-Us/Erie.aspx.
NEWS RELEASE: Sweet Success, Part Two
Vista Ridge neighbors rejoiced in September as a second Sweets Ice Cream celebrated its grand opening in the Village Vista Shopping Center.
Vista Ridge neighbors rejoiced in September as a second Sweets Ice Cream celebrated its grand opening in the Village Vista Shopping Center. Now a delicious treat is just a walk, bike ride or short drive away.
This second location also offers 24 different flavors of ice cream and has an atmosphere that can’t be beat. To owner John Jacquat, it isn’t just about the ice cream.
“Growing up in a small town in Wisconsin, hospitality and gathering places were commonplace,” stated Jacquat. “We want to help foster community at the places we've opened.”
Jacquat is familiar with delicious success in Erie. He is also owner of Pure Risk Advisors Insurance Agency, The Old Mine and the first Sweets in Historic Downtown Erie.
“What John has built in Erie is remarkable. Not only is he consistently achieving business success, adding to the strong tax base in the downtown area, but he is also always finding ways to give back to the Erie community,” said Erie Economic Development Chair Scott Wingfield.
Sweets, part two has proudly served over 30,000 ice cream scoops since opening and invites you to stop by and enjoy friends, family and of course, ice cream!
NEWS RELEASE: A welcome addition to Historic Downtown Erie
October 29, 2018
The Erie Economic Development Council would like to congratulate Coldwell Banker on their new Historic Downtown Erie location! Earlier this month, The Fowler Group led the charge on developing a downtown location to better serve the Erie community’s real estate needs.
“It’s incredibly important to our team to be available to the Erie community. This is our community! We live here, are building a business here and we love being an active member of the Erie community,” stated Brie Fowler, Realtor & Team Lead of The Fowler Group at Coldwell Banker Global Luxury in Erie.
The new office is centrally located on the south west corner of Briggs Street and Wells Street. Be sure to stop in and say hello to this knowledgeable realty team!
Erie Chamber of Commerce and Partners launch Erie Green Business Program
September 11, 2018
Erie Chamber of Commerce and Partners launch Erie Green Business Program
The Erie Chamber of Commerce, Erie Economic Development Corporation (EEDC), Town of Erie, Boulder County’s Partners for a Clean Environment (PACE), Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy, and United Power are excited to announce the launch of the Erie Green Business Program to support a more sustainable business community.
All business and commercial property owners in Erie are invited to participate in the Program and celebrate the commitment to their sustainability accomplishments. By the end of 2019, the goal of the Program is to achieve 100 energy-related actions from Erie businesses while also encouraging reductions in the areas of solid waste, water, and more.
Erie Green Business participating members will:
Receive free and personalized advising on money saving programs and rebates
Be spotlighted on the Erie Chamber of Commerce and Town of Erie webpages
Be featured in the Erie Chamber of Commerce and EEDC newsletters and social media
Receive a digital badge to add to your website and window decal to display at your business to convey your commitment to supporting Erie’s sustainability goals
Receive public recognition by Erie’s Town Board of Trustees
Join the Erie Green Business Program today! To apply, visit: https://greenbiztracker.org/business. For more information and guidance, contact an expert at eriegreenbusiness@gmail.com.
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About Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy
Through Partners in Energy, Xcel Energy provides free services for communities in its Colorado service areas to develop customized energy plans and then assists with implementing those plans. To learn more about Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy, visit www.xcelenergy.com/PartnersinEnergy.
About Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy (NASDAQ: XEL) provides the energy that powers millions of homes and businesses across eight Western and Midwestern states. Headquartered in Minneapolis, the company is an industry leader in responsibly reducing carbon emissions and producing and delivering clean energy solutions from a variety of renewable sources at competitive prices. For more information, visit xcelenergy.com or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
2017 Erie Economic Development Council Annual Report
Park West in Erie, CO
December 20, 2017
In the past few years Erie, Colorado has developed into one of the most profitable and successful places in Colorado to build businesses. The quality of life, highly trained workforce, incredible demographics and overall beauty are just a few reasons business owners are choosing Erie over other areas of the Front Range.
Specifically, Downtown Historic Erie has become one of the most desirable places for businesses owners to set up shop. Between the restaurants, bars, events, historic feel and unique business along Briggs Street, the streets and sidewalks are filled with people. While this type of success is wonderful for Erie, it means property is in high demand and quite often limited. No one understands that better than D&H Erie, LLC the developers of the new Park West Building.
The Park West Building will be located at Wells and Kattell across from the post office. The Town of Erie is unique in that everyone in the Historic Old Town must pick up their mail from the post office which means these businesses will have high visibility every day. The building will be over 16,000 square feet and have availability for restaurants, retail and offices with suites available from 1,000-8,000 square feet.
“Two years ago Bill Dowd and I saw a unique opportunity to do something for downtown Erie when the lot at Wells and Kattell became available,” said Rich Hiegel of D&H Erie, LLC. “It has been almost 20 years since there has been new construction in Historic Old Town. We are happy to be part of the revitalization of Old Town.”
The project was approved by the Town of Erie Board of Trustees at the November 14th meeting and is now in the stage of getting all the structural and engineering permits ready to submit. To learn more about the important project, please visit www.105Wells.com.
Copy Of -Park West in Erie, CO
December 20, 2017
In the past few years Erie, Colorado has developed into one of the most profitable and successful places in Colorado to build businesses. The quality of life, highly trained workforce, incredible demographics and overall beauty are just a few reasons business owners are choosing Erie over other areas of the Front Range.
Specifically, Downtown Historic Erie has become one of the most desirable places for businesses owners to set up shop. Between the restaurants, bars, events, historic feel and unique business along Briggs Street, the streets and sidewalks are filled with people. While this type of success is wonderful for Erie, it means property is in high demand and quite often limited. No one understands that better than D&H Erie, LLC the developers of the new Park West Building.
The Park West Building will be located at Wells and Kattell across from the post office. The Town of Erie is unique in that everyone in the Historic Old Town must pick up their mail from the post office which means these businesses will have high visibility every day. The building will be over 16,000 square feet and have availability for restaurants, retail and offices with suites available from 1,000-8,000 square feet.
“Two years ago Bill Dowd and I saw a unique opportunity to do something for downtown Erie when the lot at Wells and Kattell became available,” said Rich Hiegel of D&H Erie, LLC. “It has been almost 20 years since there has been new construction in Historic Old Town. We are happy to be part of the revitalization of Old Town.”
The project was approved by the Town of Erie Board of Trustees at the November 14th meeting and is now in the stage of getting all the structural and engineering permits ready to submit. To learn more about the important project, please visit www.105Wells.com.
From the Town of Erie
Erie's educated work force plus our prime location 25 minutes north of Denver, 20 minutes east of Boulder and only 35 minutes to Denver International Airport adds up to a great place for any business seeking to relocate. Is a strong workforce number one on your site requirement list? You will find that the Erie area workforce has a diversified level of skills and training, including over 57% of residents 25 years and older holding at least one degree.
If your company is looking for a great quality of life, Erie offers proximity to all sorts of sporting, educational, cultural and recreational facilities. Not surprisingly growing families, young professionals, outdoor enthusiasts and active adults are drawn to our panoramic location, scenic trails, championship golf course, recreational activities and more than 300 days of sunshine per year.
Erie is one of the fastest growing communities in Colorado with home sales averaging in the mid 400's, and surrounding communities ranging from the low 200's to low 600's, offering a variety of housing options for your employees.
So what are you waiting for? Join us in Erie, Colorado and - Move closer to the people you want to hire!
Working with The Town of Erie, the Erie Economic Development Council coordinated the efforts for Erie to be featured in the July issue of Business in Focus Magazine!
We invite you to read the article by clicking the link below.
Thank you to Business in Focus magazine for taking the time to see the opportunity within Erie, Colorado!
Town of Erie Wins Governor’s Award for Downtown Excellence
Firehouse to Brewbub – Best Adaptive Reuse or Rehabilitation
DENVER, CO – Downtown Colorado, Inc., has announced that the Town of Erie “Firehouse to Brewpub” submission has won the Governor’s Award for Downtown Excellence in the category of Best Adaptive Reuse or Rehabilitation, using the tool of a Town Urban Renewal Authority.
A revitalized Historic Downtown Erie Business District has been a community aspiration for years. The Governor’s Award recognizes the Town of Erie’s “Firehouse to Brewpub” as a successful public/private partnership that serves as a catalyst for further Downtown retail business development which in turns attracts visitors. Joining Echo Brewery in this revitalization effort are Industrial Revolution Brewing Company, Old Mine Cidery, Sweets Bakery, Erie Farmers Market and 24 Carrot Bistro. With the increase in popularity of Downtown as a destination, it follows that sales tax revenue would increase as well. In fact, Historic Downtown Erie Business District sales tax revenues increased approximately 43% ($23,000) in 2014 when compared to the previous year.
Located on the most prominent corner of Historic Old Town Erie Urban Renewal Area, the 2,500 sq. ft. building was originally constructed in 1969 and served as the community’s only fire station until 2002. In February of 2013, a Request for Proposals was issued; in August of 2013, the Lease/Purchase Agreement with Echo Brewery was approved and in September of 2014 Echo celebrated their Grand Opening and will be celebrating their first anniversary this weekend.
St. Vrain Valley School District’s Innovation Center Hosts Panel with National Business Leaders
On Thursday, September 17, St. Vrain Valley Schools hosted a group of business leaders and eight national site selectors at the Innovation Center for a discussion on the connection between business, education, and economic success. Members of the panel included representatives from Charles Schwab, Google, Level 3 Communications, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Otter Products, Special Aerospace Services, and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, as well as SVVSD Superintendent, Don Haddad. Before the panel, Innovation Center students gave a tour of the facility and discussed the impact that the center has had on their education and visions for the future.
The visit was organized in conjunction with the annual Metro Denver Site Selection Conference, aimed at marketing the area's business attributes to site selectors and corporate real estate professionals – key advisors to Fortune 1000 companies in corporate relocations and expansions that bring new jobs and investment to the community. Sponsored by the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation, events included a helicopter tour of the region and two organized panels/site visits – one being SVVSD's Innovation Center in Longmont. For more information, please go to http://www.metrodenver.org.
As St. Vrain Valley Schools continues to focus on educating and preparing the workforce of the future, one new initiative will be P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School). This program will allow high school students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma as well as an Associate’s of Applied Science degree, essentially paying for two years of college. This model will allow students to fill the need for skilled mid-level jobs as demand in those areas increases alongside the healthy economic development of the Front Range. The first P-TECH cohort will begin in 2016-17.